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Cupping Therapy: Placebo or purposeful?

Since the bright lights of the Beijing Olympics and Michael Phelps' medal haul, cupping therapy, aka Myofascial cupping therapy, has become an increasingly popular treatment for athletes in recent years. This traditional Chinese therapy involves placing cups on the skin, creating suction to help alleviate pain, inflammation, and muscle tension. While cupping therapy has been around for centuries, it has only recently gained popularity in the sports world due to its potential benefits for athletes.

How does cupping therapy work?

Cupping therapy involves creating a vacuum inside cups, which are placed on the skin. The suction created by the cups pulls the skin and underlying tissues up and away from the body, which is thought to increase blood flow to the area. The cups are typically left in place for several minutes, and the process may be repeated in different areas of the body.

What are the potential benefits of cupping therapy for athletes?

One of the most commonly cited benefits of cupping therapy for athletes is improved muscle recovery. By increasing blood flow to the muscles, cupping therapy may help to speed up the healing process after intense exercise. This may help athletes to recover more quickly from injuries or to perform better during competitions.

Another potential benefit of cupping therapy is pain relief. Many athletes experience pain or discomfort as a result of training or competing, and cupping therapy may help to alleviate this pain by reducing inflammation and muscle tension. Within my own approach, I utilise cupping therapy through movement. By placing the cups around an affected area of either pain or discomfort, I then get my client to go through various movement pathways to help increase ROM (range of movement) and also reduce pain.

Some athletes report improved flexibility and range of motion after cupping therapy. By loosening up tight muscles and connective tissues, the myofascia, cupping therapy may help athletes to move more freely and avoid injury.

Are there any potential risks associated with cupping therapy?

Like any therapy or treatment, cupping therapy does come with some potential risks. Some people may experience mild discomfort during the treatment, and the skin may become red or bruised in the area where the cups were placed. In rare cases, more serious side effects may occur, such as infection or scarring. Note; these are related to Wet Cupping or Al-Hijamah; Arabic wet cupping therapy practiced in many Arabic countries.

It is important to note that cupping therapy should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort as a result of a sports injury, it is important to seek professional medical attention.

Cupping therapy may offer some potential benefits for athletes, including improved muscle recovery, pain relief, and increased flexibility. However, it is important to approach this therapy with caution and to seek professional guidance before trying it. As with any treatment, it is important to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks before deciding whether or not to pursue cupping therapy.


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